sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

Kindle App passa a dar suporte à tela Retina do Novo iPad

Taking advantage of the arrival of the first copies of the New iPad next Friday (16th), Amazon decided to release an update for the Kindle - application for reading e-books. The news makes the app compatible with the Retina Display, the screen technology with high density of pixels present in the newly released Apple tablet.

Kindle no iPad (Foto: Divulgação)   The analyzes show that the new tablet reading experience is unmatched in the device, thanks to the Retina Display. Experts who received the device for testing argue that the quality is such that it is not noticed any of these pixels on the screen.

The device has a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels, much larger than any other device available today. Since the Kindle was not adapted to the technology, the app can not display text with the quality provided by the device. And, between us, this is the great lure of iPad in its third generation.

The app update also brings improvements in navigation and search system. A button was placed at the bottom of the application to the user to access the cloud from Amazon and download the contents from there.

The Kindle app is the way that Amazon has found to be present at the iPad, but the company also has a tablet and a reader e-books themselves, the Fire Kindle and Kindle, respectively.

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