sábado, 24 de março de 2012

Nokia PureView race against other smartphones in audio capture

The new system of recording audio from Nokia "will change the way you hear the world". Who says this view is Teemu Branch, director of the Finnish mobile phone company. In a video posted on YouTube, Branch explains, with pictures and details of tests, the operation of the Nokia Rich Recording, a function that will be released exclusively in the new company's smartphone, the Nokia 808 Pure View. The results, indeed, are incredible.

PureView é aposta da Nokia contra iPhone e Galaxy SIII (Foto: Divulgação)
PureView Nokia is betting against the iPhone and Galaxy SIII

The video, Which Has Nearly three minutes long, exemplifies the service with different situations. At first, the group playing capoeira. During the wheel, made ​​images are displayed on three phones: "The smartphone" (Probably an iPhone 4S), "B smartphone" (probable Galaxy Nexus), and PureView, Rich Recording with Nokia. The visual Differences are few, although the PureView Ensure you have a clearer picture to avoid "jitter" due to the stabilization system. In the audio, but there is many Clearly That Competitors have lower sound quality and the new Nokia.

"When you record a video on a cell phone, the quality it Can Be great, but Usually the audio is not so much. Surprisingly, many smartphones out there still sin in this sense. Many YouTube videos are like this," says Branch.

In the next test, the same result in the recording of a car engine running. And the best is left to the end: how the recording system audio works at a concert or recording a song in a studio. According to Teemu branch, and how to write a professional service. "It is a professional audio recording and takes this kind of footage smartphone to another level. He'll be first in the Nokia 808 PureView, but soon all our smartphones, "he adds.

The PureView promises even be a revolution in the world of smartphones. This is another incredible feature of the apparatus, which had already been announced with a 41 megapixel camera. The product goes on sale in Europe in May, costing € 450 (£ 1030). In Brazil, there is no prediction.

Check out the video recording system audio below:

Nokia N9 wins alternative version of the Ice Cream Sandwich

Some experts point to the Nokia N9 as the best ever smartphone that will make the expected success. The reason is simple: it uses the mobile operating system MeeGo, which was kind of abandoned and currently does not behave like a real ecosystem. Thinking of putting a more modern platform this good unit, a consumer group managed to port Android to the device.

Nokia N9 rodando o Android Ice Cream Sandwich (Foto: Reprodução)
Nokia N9 running Android Ice Cream Sandwich

The port of Android uses the most current version of the system, Ice Cream Sandwich - which will surely leave many owners of older devices with Android native with some envy. Just the N9, designed for another platform, it seems very well run Android instead of MeeGo.

In a video posted on the Internet you can see the Ice Cream Sandwich in a Nokia N9. Even the Google Store Play works, implying that the installation of applications for the platform works normally. Making calls, too, there is no kind of difficulty.

Presented in June 2011, the N9 has stout hardware: CPU 1 GHz Cortex A8 combined with 1 GB of RAM. It may not be the top line on the market today, but he continues to address a public eager for a good unit from a respected brand.

With the modification, the N9 is capable of booting both the MeeGo as the Android. The owner of the unit chooses the system during startup. It must be said, however, that the port - called NITDroid - is still in alpha state of development. It means that a lot can change when (and if) it reaches a final version widely available.

quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012

Internet móvel pré-paga no Brasil: um comparativo entre as principais operadoras

O Brasil está se tornando um “país conectado”, muito em parte graças ao acesso à internet móvel. Além de ser mais flexível do que as conexões residenciais, elas são cada vez mais baratas, disponíveis até em planos pré-pago. Por conta deste fácil acesso, o número de pessoas conectadas a redes sociais, serviços de mensagens instantâneas e e-mails em qualquer lugar tem aumentado em um bom ritmo. Mas… qual desses planos é o mais vantajoso para você usar no seu smartphone?

Nesse artigo que o TechTudo preparou para você, vamos fazer uma análise das atuais ofertas das quatro principais operadoras brasileiras, demonstrando como está o cenário da internet móvel pré-paga no Brasil. Vamos mostrar as principais características, e os prós e contras de cada plano. Você verá que existem serviços para todos os tipos de usuários e smartphones - mesmo pra quem tem um smartphone “top” e não quer gastar muito com um plano de dados.

Modelos de entrada, como o Nokia Asha 201, são perfeitos para o acesso à internet pré-paga (Foto: Divulgação)
Modelos de entrada, como o Nokia Asha 201, são perfeitos para o acesso à internet pré-paga

Mas antes, vale lembrar que…

Para alguns perfis de uso, e principalmente em alguns smartphones, o uso da internet pré-paga é apenas um recurso de emergência. Entendemos que o propósito de nossa análise é orientar o consumidor que não pode (ou não quer) gastar muito dinheiro em um plano de dados, mas que deseja estar minimamente conectado para suas atividades online. Por outro lado, não adianta muita coisa você adquirir um smartphone como o iPhone, o Galaxy S II ou o Motorola RAZR se você não contratar um bom plano de dados. Apesar de alguns planos descritos a seguir permitirem um uso satisfatório com os smartphones “top” de linha, recomendamos que o usuário considere a possibilidade de adquirir um plano de dados pós-pago, onde o limite de dados e a velocidade ofertada são maiores.

Outro detalhe a ser considerado: os ajustes de consumo de dados nos smartphones (independentemente do tipo de aparelho) também é um fator relevante na hora de escolher seu plano. Telefones capazes de gerenciar com eficiência o consumo de dados, com opções que desabilitem a conexão quando o telefone ficar em stand-by, são altamente recomendados para quem contrata planos de internet pré-pagos. Além de controlar o volume de dados, oferecem uma melhor relação custo-benefício no final do mês.

Por fim, alguns aplicativos específicos, como o Opera Mini e o WhatsApp possuem um consumo menor de dados. Vale a pena o usuário dar preferência aos programas que comprovadamente consomem uma menor quantidade de dados. Assim você terá um bom equilíbrio na relação “preço pago/serviço oferecido”, já que você pode otimizar o desempenho de sua conexão - principalmente para o caso de você contratar um pacote com redução de velocidade depois de um período determinado de uso.

Dito isso, segue abaixo nossas observações sobre os planos ofertados pelas principais operadoras nacionais.


Plano de internet Vivo Pré (Foto: Reprodução)
Plano de internet Vivo Pré 

Internet no Vivo Pré/Controle

Preço: R$ 9,90/mês
Tipo de conexão: 3G/GPRS/EDGE ilimitada (com redução de velocidade)
Pacote de dados: 20 MB
Velocidade: até 1  Mbps (no limite de 20 MB de dados; depois desse limite, a velocidade é reduzida para 32 Kbps)

O Vivo Pré surgiu como uma alternativa aos usuários do serviço Vivo ON, que desejavam uma maior liberdade de acesso à web, mas que ao mesmo tempo não querem pagar muito por um acesso simples a partir do seu celular ou smartphone. Com esse tipo de conexão o usuário não fica limitado apenas às redes sociais e e-mails, mas pode navegar por todo e qualquer tipo de conteúdo na internet, sem nenhum tipo de cobrança adicional.

O serviço é um dos mais baratos entre as operadoras, custando R$ 0,33 por dia de acesso. Porém, diferentemente de outras operadoras, o Vivo Internet Pré Ilimitado obriga o usuário a assinar o pacote de acesso pelo mês todo, sem contar com uma opção de cobrança avulsa pelo dia acessado (algo mais vantajoso para boa parte dos usuários).

Uma das vantagens do serviço é que ele oferece a velocidade mais alta entre os planos pré-pagos (1 Mbps). Porém, a alegria dura muito pouco: o serviço só garante essa velocidade até o consumo de 20 MB de dados. Ultrapassado esse limite, você vai ter que se contentar com uma velocidade de 32 Kbps até o final do período de 30 dias contratados. No início de um novo ciclo, o valor correspondente ao plano é debitado dos créditos do usuário, e a velocidade máxima é restabelecida.

Recomendado para: os usuários que só vão acessar e-mails e redes sociais ocasionalmente, em telefones com baixo consumo de dados. Para quem utiliza as redes sociais de forma mais intensa e deixa o serviço de pushmail do iPhone ligado, esse pacote de dados só vai funcionar de forma plena por poucos dias. Depois disso, com a queda de velocidade, o serviço se torna inviável para os mais exigentes. Veja mais informações.


Plano de internet pré da Oi (Foto: Reprodução)
Plano de internet pré da Oi

Oi Dados (para Oi Celular e Oi Controle)
Preço: R$ 9,90/mês, R$ 2,90/semana, R$ 0,50/dia
Tipo de conexão: 3G/GPRS EDGE ilimitada (com redução de velocidade)
Pacote de dados: 30 MB (mensal), 15 MB (semanal), 5 MB (diário)
Velocidade: até 1  Mbps (no limite de dados previamente estabelecido; depois desse limite a velocidade é reduzida para 50 Kbps)

É uma variante da proposta oferecida pela Vivo, mas com maior flexibilidade de preços e opções. Aqui o usuário pode escolher qual o período de acesso que deseja, com o valor que melhor cabe no bolso, dependendo do seu propósito de uso. Além disso, a oferta de internet pré-paga da Oi pode ser integrada a outros pacotes de serviços, trazendo uma combinação de produtos e funcionalidades da operadora.

A opção de conexão mensal possui um pacote de dados um pouco maior do que aquele ofertado pela Vivo, mas não muito: apenas 30 MB. Ao ultrapassar esse consumo, o usuário ficará limitado a uma conexão com velocidade de 50 Kbps até o final do período. A regra de redução de velocidade vale também para os pacotes semanal e mensal.

A vantagem da Oi é permitir que o usuário faça a contratação avulsa do serviço, de acordo com a sua necessidade. Para aqueles que não precisam de uma internet móvel, recomendamos a prática da contratação diária. A relação preço/pacote de dados é melhor (R$ 3,50/35 MB por semana, contra R$ 2,90/15 MB por semana), e oferece um uso mais completo do celular ou smartphone. Mesmo assim, o pacote diário oferece apenas a metade do volume de dados de alguns concorrentes.

Recomendado para: os usuários que não vão utilizar a internet móvel todos os dias. Para aqueles que só precisam acessar a web em dias e situações específicas, e para proprietários de smartphones que possuem um uso moderado de dados (e-mails, mensagens instantâneas e redes sociais).


Oferta de internet pré da Tim (Foto: Reprodução)
Oferta de internet pré da Tim

Tim Infinity Web Pré

Preço: R$ 0,50/dia
Tipo de conexão: 3G/GPRS/EDGE ilimitada (com redução de velocidade)
Pacote de dados: 10 MB/dia (ou 300 MB/mês)
Velocidade: até 300 Kbps (no limite de dados previamente estabelecido; depois desse limite, a velocidade é reduzida para 50 Kbps)

A Tim foi pioneira na proposta de internet pré-paga ilimitada no Brasil. Lançou o serviço em 2010, e hoje se tornou um dos pilares de serviços oferecidos pela operadora, que também integra serviços de torpedos e chamadas ilimitadas aos seus serviços (de Tim para Tim).

Diferentemente dos serviços da Vivo e da Oi, não é necessário se cadastrar previamente para a usar a conexão, pois o serviço está automaticamente inserido na linha do usuário. Ou seja: assim que você compra o chip, basta colocá-lo no seu celular e usar a internet. Esse benefício torna o produto mais fácil de usar, ótimo para o público-alvo que a operadora deseja conquistar.

Por outro lado, a conexão é consideravelmente mais lenta do que os seus concorrentes. Você estará limitado aos 300 Kbps ofertados pela operadora, e dentro de um limite de até 300 MB de dados ao mês. Fazendo as contas para um consumo mensal (o que não deve acontecer, uma vez que o serviço só debita créditos do usuário no dia que utilizar a conexão) o valor máximo de R$ 15,50/mês (para os meses de 31 dias) por até 300 MB de dados é a melhor relação custo/benefício que os usuários podem encontrar.

A quantidade de 10 MB de dados diários é aceitável, até mesmo para que usuários de iPhone e Androids “top” aproveitem um pouco mais dos seus dispositivos. É claro que não dá pra ver vídeos de forma desenfreada, mas é possível ver seus e-mails, atualizar as redes sociais e trocar mensagens instantâneas durante um dia de trabalho, e com uma certa folga.

Recomendado para: os usuários que não vão utilizar a conexão móvel todos os dias. Para quem tem um uso mais elaborado dessa conexão, recebendo um volume maior de e-mails e mensagens instantâneas. Para quem tem um smartphone com recursos avançados, mas não pode contratar um plano de dados pós.


Oferta de internet pré da Claro (Foto: Reprodução)
Oferta de internet pré da Claro

Internet Pré a R$ 0,50/dia ou Pacotes Internet Pré
Preço: R$ 0,50/dia, R$ 6,90/quinzenal, R$ 11,90/mês
Tipo de conexão: 3G/GPRS/EDGE ilimitada (com redução de velocidade)
Pacote de dados: 10 MB/dia, 150 MB/quinzena, 300 MB/mês
Velocidade: até 300 Kbps (no limite de dados previamente estabelecido; depois desse limite, a velocidade é reduzida para 32 Kbps)

A Claro ataca em duas frentes. Quando lançou a sua opção de internet pré-paga, ofereceu dois pacotes avulsos: um com período de 15 dias, com quantidade de dados de até 150 MB; e outro para 30 dias, com dados de até 300 MB. Os valores são fixos por período, e a contratação é feita pelo site ou por SMS. Porém, quando a Claro percebeu que a oferta da Tim de cobrança avulsa por dia era mais vantajosa para o seu público-alvo, ela resolveu repetir a mesma estratégia.

Com isso, a Claro possui ofertas flexíveis para diferentes perfis de uso. Os pacotes quinzenal e mensal possuem uma peculiaridade que pode ser interessante para muitos usuários: diferentemente dos concorrentes, o pacote de 150 MB ou 300 MB de dados não são fracionados em 10 MB por dia. Se o usuário precisar utilizar um volume de dados maior em um determinado dia, não terá a tal queda de velocidade naquele dia em específico, mas só quando atingir a cota total do pacote. Esse detalhe é muito importante para quem sabe que vai usar um grande volume de dados em situações especiais. Além disso, nesse cenário, a utilização moderada desse pacote com os smartphones mais avançados é viável, apesar da velocidade de 300 Kbps.

Já na oferta de R$ 0,50 por dia de acesso, as mesmas características descritas no plano da Tim valem para o serviço da Claro, com a diferença de que, nesse caso, a redução da velocidade ao atingir a cota de 10 MB/dia é mais drástica, limitando a velocidade para 32 Kbps. Na prática, para troca de mensagens e emails, a velocidade mais baixa não traz diferenças tão grandes, e por isso pode ser desonsiderado se você aguentar ficar sem ver vídeos do YouTube longe de casa.

Recomendado para: os usuários que vão utilizar a internet no celular de forma ocasional. Para quem vai utilizar um volume de dados acima dos 10 MB em situações específicas. Para usuários de smartphones avançados, que podem ter um uso moderado com o pacote de dados, e se contentam com uma velocidade reduzida para o acesso à web.

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

How about a Home Theater with 3D sound?

One of the major bets from LG for 2012 is the new version of its 3D home theater sound, the new model HX906TXW. presented at CES 2012 in Las Vegas, with innovations in design and functionality.

Home Theater HX906TXW  com tecnologia LG CINEMA 3D SOUND (Foto: Reprodução)
HX906TXW Home Theater technology with LG 3D CINEMA SOUND

According to LG Electronics, 3D audio technology is given by the propagation of sound in 360 degrees, creating a sense of immersion in the user environment. The big change for the first version was the implementation of the wireless rear speakers, giving more freedom for users to create their environments.

The power of the Home Theater is also impressive, with a 9.1 speaker system distributed in four towers that provide a very realistic feeling. The model also supports external HDD, has several features such as Wi-Fi Dock for iPod and iPhone, connect to the Smart TV and others.

Home Theater Cinema 3D Sound (Foto: Home Theater Cinema 3D Sound)
Cinema Home Theater 3D Sound

To test the 3D Cinema Sound from LG, we were invited to attend a demonstration during the Digital Experience event. The trial of 3D sound was presented by Rick Bonadio, one of the biggest music producers in Brazil, where he explained a little about the importance of this new technology to the consumer. On the short film session, we can detect the sound quality coupled to a 3D image can really bring you into the film, with details for the purity of sound in the smallest details, like drops of water being dispersed or breaking into a timber small pieces.

LG confirms that the product will arrive this month in Brazil, with a suggested price of sale for U.S. $ 3,999.00.


Kindle App passa a dar suporte à tela Retina do Novo iPad

Taking advantage of the arrival of the first copies of the New iPad next Friday (16th), Amazon decided to release an update for the Kindle - application for reading e-books. The news makes the app compatible with the Retina Display, the screen technology with high density of pixels present in the newly released Apple tablet.

Kindle no iPad (Foto: Divulgação)   The analyzes show that the new tablet reading experience is unmatched in the device, thanks to the Retina Display. Experts who received the device for testing argue that the quality is such that it is not noticed any of these pixels on the screen.

The device has a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels, much larger than any other device available today. Since the Kindle was not adapted to the technology, the app can not display text with the quality provided by the device. And, between us, this is the great lure of iPad in its third generation.

The app update also brings improvements in navigation and search system. A button was placed at the bottom of the application to the user to access the cloud from Amazon and download the contents from there.

The Kindle app is the way that Amazon has found to be present at the iPad, but the company also has a tablet and a reader e-books themselves, the Fire Kindle and Kindle, respectively.

Nokia confirms project to launch its own tablet

The section chief of design at Nokia, Marko Ahtisaari, confirmed to the Finnish magazine Kauppalehti Optio that the company is working on developing a tablet. The device reportedly tell the operating system and Windows 8 will be released later in 2012.

Nokia deve lançar tablet com MeeGo (Foto: Divulgação)
Tablet Nokia may have Windows 8

According to the statement Ahtissari, the designer would already be spending a third of their time in preparing the device. The statement reinforces the information disclosed last week by the site DigiTimes that Nokia has revealed plans to launch a dual-core tablet with Windows.

The CEO of Nokia, Stephen Elop, however, was more moderate in his statement on the launch of a tablet with the Microsoft system. "We're certainly going to consider this opportunity going forward," he said.

The confirmation of the rumor would further strengthen the partnership between the companies, which has already resulted in the making of Windows Phone 7 in 2011.

quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2012

Microsoft launches new sensor and final version of the SDK for Windows Kinect

Earlier this year Microsoft announced its development kit for Windows Kinect sensor, launched six months later, in beta format. The program was concluded with the release of the final version 1.0 of the kit which features several improvements.

Kinect (Foto: Divulgação)
Microsoft launches new sensor and final version of the SDK for Windows Kinect

Since the launch, the SDK has been tested extensively and received several improvements. The final version features support for four different Kinect sensors, better accuracy in speech recognition, stability Kinect drivers and a new Explorer. The latter gives examples of what can be done with the sensor kit.

Another detail is that Microsoft also made available for sale a specific sensor Kinect for Windows computers. It is not compatible with the Xbox and introduces specific modifications, such as a depth camera capable of detecting objects with at least 40 cm away.

The SDK supports programming in C + +, C # and Visual Basic and can only be installed on Windows 7. The Kinect sensor for Windows will go on sale for $ 250 in the United States, Canada and countries in Europe and Asia. He has directed a specific option for educational purposes which will be available soon and have $ 100 discount. There is no provision for release in Brazil.

quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2012

Replacing the hard drive of the PlayStation 3 by a greater

The PlayStation 3 is one of the games have the advantage of HD exchange. Users can make the process in-house quickly and easily, without taking the unit in for service. The whole process is done based on the information system itself and the PS3 console itself has an easy way to remove the hard drive. See how to replace the hard drive of your console in a few steps. Warning: This tutorial is intended for the PlayStation 3 Slim model, which is the current model of the device. You will also need a screwdriver and a Phillips screwdriver.

PlayStation 3 Slim (Foto: Reprodução)
Playstation 3 Slim
Step 1: First, keep in mind that you will need a notebook hard drive, 2.5 mm. You can buy it at any computer store, but beware the maximum size supported by the PlayStation 3, which currently is 500GB.

HD de Notebook Samsung de 500GB, qualquer marca pode ser usada (Foto: Reprodução)
HD 500GB Samsung Notebook, any brand can be used
Step 2: This step is only for those who need to back up the previous data. If this is not the case, skip to step 4. To perform the backup, you must have a secondary external device such as an external hard drive with USB or thumb drive. Format this device into your computer with the FAT32 format.

Step 3: Connect the external hard drive or flash drive in the PlayStation 3 and go to System Setup. Then choose the Backup utility. In this option, choose Back Up. The device will prompt you to choose the type of backup to be done. Choose full backup and wait for the process is complete (may take hours, depending on the amount of content on your old HD).

Step 4: Now comes the physical part. Remove the hard drive of your old PlayStation 3. To do this, locate on the front of your PS3, a plate as shown in the picture below.

Parte frontal do PS3 (Foto: Divulgação)
Front of PS3
Step 5: Under this board there is a small covered compartment. Force of light with a standard screwdriver and you will see a blue screw. This screw is responsible for holding the cover. Remove it with a screwdriver.

Parafuso azul embaixo do videogame (Foto: Reprodução)
Blue screw underneath the video game
Step 6: After you remove, simply open the front cover without much pushing and pulling the HD out, without applying too much force to avoid damaging the connections. Also remember to remove himself from the HD tray that comes with it out. This tray is the PlayStation 3, you must also remove it with a Phillips screwdriver, remove four screws.

Bandeja do HD (Foto: Reprodução)
Tray HD
Passo 7: Feita a retirada, posicione o novo HD na bandeja aparafuse nela e, feito isso, insira-o dentro do compartimento do PlayStation 3. Close the lid and remember and put back the screw on the bottom of the game.

Inserindo o novo HD (Foto: Reprodução)
Entering the new HD
Step 8: Reconnect the PlayStation 3. He will recognize the hard drive and will ask to format it. Accept and wait. That done, simply re-access their accounts to activate them. If you have not backed up previous contents, the tutorial ends here. If you have done now is to recover the data, go to step 9.

Step 9: Now you can simply restore the backup you made to an external device (external hard drive or flash drive). Reconnect the device into the USB port of the PS3, go to System Settings, choose Backup Utility and then Restore. The system will reformat the hard drive that is inside the PS3 (to prepare it for new data) and will then copy everything to your external device. Okay, now you have a bigger HD in your game and all the content that already had before.

Sony enhances line of Cybershot cameras with three new models

The traditional line of cameras from Sony Cybershot gained three new members this week. The main one is the DSC-TX200V, new point-and-shoot company, which has 18.2 megapixel Exmor R CMOS sensor, optical zoom lens with 26mm 5X, 1080/60p video capture and screen OLED touchscreen TruBlack Xtra Fine of 3.3 inches. Beyond it come to market soon also the DSC and DSC-WX70-WX50, with more modest features and lower price.

Dísponível nas cores prata, violeta e vermelho, TX200V oferece um sistema de foco melhorado. (Foto: Reprodução)
Available in silver, purple and red, TX200V focus system has improved.

The BIONZ processor also has TX200V, which helps to capture video and moving images with low noise, and an improved focus system, which shoots at a speed of 0.13 seconds in the light of day and 0.25 seconds in darker environments . Moreover, the structure is water resistant - up to 16 feet deep - and the dust and very low temperatures. Consumers can find the model around $ 500, in silver, red and violet.

However, for users on a budget, the other two models, the DSC line, hit the market costing 230 and $ 200 respectively. Both have the same sensor and lens TX200V, but the structure is not as tough and maximum quality of images is 16.2 megapixels. They also have nine effects for the photos, as well as the TX, but have smaller displays (the WX70 and WX50 has 3 inches is 2.7). All three will be available in March this year.

terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012

Best Android phones

Smartphones are booming, and Android is certainly one of the operating systems most in demand at the moment. But in choosing which device to buy, there is the question: what are the best Android phones?

To facilitate your choice, All Tech gathered some of the best models to Google's system. Check out:

Galaxy Nexus

The device developed by Samsung in partnership with Google is one of the pioneers to bring Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. The smartphone has a beautiful design, with only 8.9 mm thick and has a large screen, a 4.65-inch Super AMOLED technology, which enables a refined touch and a brighter image.

The device, however, has not yet been released in Brazil. But the name of the national version has been released: Galaxy X. Apparently it has no different from the original specification.

Usuários relatam problemas com o multitouch do Galaxy Nexus (Foto: Divulgação)
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
LG Spectrum

Announced at CES 2012, Spectrum has also featured as its main display. With a 4.5-inch display based on IPS technology - considered by some superior to AMOLED - and the protection Gorilla Glass, the device has Android 2.3 Gingerbread, but there are already predictions upgrade to the Ice Cream Sandwich.

In relation to their cameras, the rear has 8 megapixels, while the front, only 1.5 MP. The smartphone also has a partnership with ESPN America, allowing the application program SportsCenter included in the system come with HD video available.

LG Espectrum (Foto: Divulgação)
LG Spectrum
Samsung Galaxy SII

Among the devices have already been launched in Brazil, the Galaxy SII is certainly a major one. With Android 2.3 Gingerbread but with the upgrade to 4.0 now available, this smartphone is one of the flagships of both as Samsung's own Android. Its design is simple and beautiful, your screen has a 4.3 inch AMOLED technology Super Plus and its hardware makes it fast and powerful.

Its rear camera has 8 megapixels, while the front for video conferences, has good 2 megapixels.

Samsung Galaxy S II HD e Samsung Galaxy S II LTE (Foto: Divulgação)
Samsung Galaxy S II HD and Samsung Galaxy S II LTE
Samsung Galaxy Note

For those who have doubts if you prefer to buy a tablet or a smartphone, the Galaxy Note is the best option. Its 5.3-inch screen is very useful for reading e-books or comics, and his stylus, also present, the device makes a real alternative to conventional tablet. Still, use it as a phone is also nice. Despite its size, pocket-sized Note Galaxy smoothly as a cellphone.

Despite its first Android 2.3 Gingerbread, since it was announced that the upgrade to the new version of the system, Ice Cream Sandwich, will be available shortly.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Samsung Galaxy Note
Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

This option is for game lovers who want the same phone and game machine. The Xperia Play features, plus a 4 inch screen and Android 2.3 Gingerbread, a built-in joystick that simulates the PlayStation controller. It also includes several games and demonstrations.

The smartphone also includes a 5 megapixel camera, reasonable for a device that has the distinction is practically a handheld game console.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
DROID Motorola Razr

The DROID Razr has as its design and differential resistance. With a thickness of 7.1 mm, one of the slimmest on the market, it is protected with Kevlar, used for making bullet-proof vests. In addition, the technology has Gorilla Glass on your screen of 4.3 inches and splash protection, making it tough on all fronts.

This camera has 8 megapixels and your display is a Super AMOLED, which moreover allows you to watch TV in HD. The Razr has the Droid Android 2.3 Gingerbread.

Motorola RAZR (Foto: Reprodução)
Motorola Razr
Motorola Atrix

The Atrix is an interesting smartphone. With 4-inch screen and 16 GB memory, it includes the webtop, an application that allows Pour the system of your phone to a larger screen, with the help of a dock accessory. The device also comes with the Mozilla Firefox browser, making the experience of using it with a monitor is closer to a standard desktop.

Among his destavagens, however, is its camera, only 5 megapixels, and your operating system, Android 2.2 Froyo already exceeded.

Motorola Atrix (Foto: Divulgação)
Motorola Atrix

segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012

BlackBerry Bold 9780 is perfect for managing your professional life

The Blackberry Bold 9780 was officially introduced to the world at the end of 2010, and is one of RIM's models that are available in the Brazilian market. Influenced by the operators, the model is offered not only for traditional corporate clients, but also for fans of social networking, seeking a practical and efficient cell for typing messages and short texts on a physical QWERTY keyboard.

The model is an evolution of the Bold 9700. It has small hardware and software improvements that make the difference. It is a product with improved performance and great features for those who want to have your life organized. In addition, its range of features makes the device an excellent choice for fans of the BlackBerry line.

BlackBerry Bold 9780
Screen and accessibility

The screen continues with the same resolution of 480 x 360 pixels. It may seem small for some users, but follows the proposal of the phone itself, which has compact dimensions. The screen and plays images and text from web pages or texts of the applications. For those already familiar with previous models, you'll notice a clear improvement in the displayed images, especially when it refers to the brightness control, which is quite good. Allows a good view even under the light of the Sun.

The operating system BlackBerry OS 6 provides a simple, straightforward accessibility. Everything is very simple, with icons arranged in categories such as Favorites, Media, Downloads and All Programs. The user can quickly identify where the application you want, the trackpad is central, which has an intuitive navigation, or even the search engine. Start typing the name of the application, the icon appears on the screen.

With a few hours of use, someone who never worked with BlackBerry OS already and can master the phone and its main functions. It's a good thing, because normally these corporate users who use smartphones do not want to spend much time learning new functions and commands on your smartphone. In this respect, the Bold 9780 hits in full.


The BlackBerry 9780 Bold has internet access in 3G and WiFi modes, which excelled in the tests. Especially in 3G mode, which was capable of detecting the signal of operators who have failed other devices. This is important because this is the type of phone for people who can not suffer from no signal to communicate with the outside world.

One problem that persists in this model is its browser, limited in its resources. It is advised that you install the Opera Mini soon as you receive the equipment in a more complete and efficient navigation. The application can be obtained by RIM's application store, BlackBerry App World, which works similarly the other app stores in the market, but with far fewer choices of programs.


This item is that the Bold 9780 differs from its predecessor. RIM decided to double the capacity of internal memory new model, which becomes 512 MB. It may seem little, but it is a considerable difference in time to install applications, and especially to maintain a good performance on the phone.

Another change is in your rear camera, which is 5 megapixels (MP 3.2 against the Bold 9700). The camera takes good quality pictures, if we consider that we are talking about a corporate smartphone. The model is also capable of recording videos, but with a lower quality. Just have a good view on the phone.

Other resources

The 1500 mAh battery is also noteworthy. Even with 3G mode on all day, receiving emails and alerts from social networks, the Bold 9780 is able to work for a day (between 8 and 20h).

The multimedia features are also excellent. The model has a good MP3 player and a competent aggregator of podcasts. His social applications are all integrated to other system resources. That is, allows the user to send a message to the same networks of Twitter, Facebook and BlackBerry Messenger. You can also send a message to one of these networks from the most open applications, streamlining the shipping process.


The BlackBerry Bold 9780 smartphone is an excellent, though, is a very expensive phone. Turns out to be a model focused on a very specific niche of users - the entrepreneur.

For most casual users, and even for fans of social networks, the average unit price of $ 1,800, is the most interesting models with features such as touch screen and accelerometer, a more attractive investment .

That is, only recommend the purchase of the model you are fully aware of what to expect from this smartphone. As for the fans of RIM phones, is an investment with guaranteed satisfaction.

The HTC Smartphone efficient

The Legend is an HTC smartphone for those who want control and connectivity, as well as maximum compatibility with various operating systems, courtesy of Google Android which is already installed on the smartphone.

The screen resolution is not impressive if you look at HVGA 320 × 480 pixels, but the fact that it uses AMOLED technology, is sure to make your experience with the HTC Legend to be much more enjoyable. A great part of the construction for HTC Android coupled with the model are a good choice for those looking for a smartphone comfortable to hold and packed with features.

HTC Legend

Overall, the performance of the HTC Legend impressive because it is a 600MHz processor. The transitions and animations are fluid and fast. Although you can not compare with iOS 4 but it is good to remember that we are talking about Android 2.1.

Something to highlight is the performance of the browser, which provides a great navigation experience thanks to its agility. Although it is compatible with Flash, more elaborate pages with content can not load or work in an unsatisfactory manner.

Interface and Construction

The interface Sense (Sense UI) allows you to perform the movement of pinch or "beslicar" screen, so that it brings all the 7 menus available for your viewing. It's actually a version of Mac OS X Expose for Android. Unfortunately it only shows screenshots of the screens and not real-time updates, but it's still a great addition as the feature speeds, simply, the organization of the screens.

HTC Legend
HTC Hero in the bottom one could find a ball that served as a mouse, since the HTC Legend, following the market trend, it was replaced by an optical trackpad in shape with a higher level of accuracy.

The docking system for the battery on the back of the HTC Legend is very interesting, the fit is perfect, so that makes it impossible for third parties to create batteries with higher capacity, they usually are slightly larger and in this case, the fit is not perfect, preventing the entry.


The camera has great manual controls such as exposure, contrast, saturation, sharpness, ISO 100 to 800, white point balance, timer, geolocation, and more.

When you are faced with a well-constructed smartphone like the HTC Legend, you actually increase your expectations in relation to available resources. Despite the 5 megapixel camera and good manual controls, it does not record video in HD 720p, which is practically a must for most demanding users and working with multimedia content. Even for a smartphone that does not produce movies in 720p, the video quality still left to be desired.

The audio also deserves a highlight as the quality, both for playback on the phone or on the phone, not wanting. We can not do the same with praise for the capture of the audio for the videos. The sound is often over-midrange and treble and bass are not distinguished clearly.

The photos can come out with a darker wash and less vibrant colors on automatic settings. However, the autofocus works very well and flash appeals to those who usually take pictures with little or no light.


Even with Android 2.1, Widgets calendar and messages are very nice and well polished, which gives a great impression on the system. The widget FriendStream unites in a single window, updates on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. The accounts are already configured as you start your phone for the first time. Widgets registration (subscriptions) sites (via feeds) is also very functional and great visual appeal.

Although visually interesting, the FriendStream have a serious delay in updates. Some updates may take about 3 minutes to be updated. For some people it does not really bother, but for users who need real-time updates is something to lament.

Integration with Google

HTC Legend

A positive point of Android smartphones is the latest unprecedented integration with Google services. Everything works great and the synchronization is done transparently to the user. When you start your HTC Legend for the first time, you have the option (highly recommended) to register a Google account so that services are integrated. It is important to remember that this will be your main account on Android Market, Google's App Store.

Do not be fooled by using only the applications that comes installed by default on HTC Legend, the real beauty you have a smartphone with the Android system is precisely the possibility of expanding the most of their resources through incredible that there are apps in Android Market .


One factor that weighed against the HTC Legend was the inability to install the system with the Portuguese in Brazil. Although it is perfectly possible to use through the Portuguese of Portugal, some people may resent the fact they can not use your smartphone into its official language.


The HTC Legend works with GSM, EDGE and 3G cellular network connection, and comes equipped with WiFi and Bluetooth for transferring files.

The wi-fi signal Android leaves in hand at times, but for those who predominantly use the 3G network, this is not a serious problem.

However, it is interesting to note that if you want to stay updated with the latest in Android, the HTC Legend has a 600MHz processor and it will probably be compatible with Android 2.3.

Supposedly leaked official photo reveals design of the Samsung Galaxy S III

Imagens do que se acredita ser o novo Samsung Galaxy S III foram reveladas pelo site Concept Phones. Além do novo design, informações sobre as configurações de hardware também foram reveladas. A empresa não confirmou a notícia oficial.

Seria esse o novo Galaxy S III (Foto: Reprodução/Concept Phones)
This would be the new Galaxy S III
Continuing with the sheer size of the current generation of phones, the next generation of Galaxy S, called the Universal GT-i9500, will have 5-inch screen and processor of 1.5 GHz quad-core. The thickness will be at 9 mm. The display, as you might imagine, is the AMOLED Super HD resolution of 720p.

In terms of software, the phone would have a universal concept, hence the name and the ability to operate both the Android Ice Cream Sandwich as the Bada OS. The device would also use the stylus, similar to the Galaxy's Note, which basically serves to write, jot notes and draw on the screen of the phone with tablet hybrid.

The presence of the pen, the screen size and the idea of ​​supporting two operating systems may indicate that, in fact, the images are an evolution of the Galaxy Note.

Among other specifications, there is a possible 12-megapixel camera, and front for video calls 2 MP. In terms of storage, there will be models 32 or 64 GB with support for microSD. The phone will be 4G LTE connectivity, NFC, USB 3.0 support and metal housing.

Nokia N900

Nokia N900
Nokia N900 is the best multitasking device market
A year ago, during a congress held in London, Symbian, Nokia was showing the N900, brand new unit whose primary commitment was the use of Maemo, "flavor" of Linux created by Nokia that the principle would be a possible alternative to Symbian operating system that Nokia insists on not letting go, so that his latest investment, the N8, still uses Symbian interface. Improved and more intuitive, but still far from perfect.

When you put your hands on the machine first, hit a certain disappointment: the unit was heavy, but OK ... had a plus: betting on a new operating system, which no one had yet used - although Linux.


We spent two months with the N900 and enchanted, in spite of the (few) regrets. We were able to test it enough to see, for example, it is by far the best multitasking device market, at least compared with those who had already tested, and that is an excellent option for those who want a phone to work. "The iPhone is also," some might say. But until then we had not encountered a phone capable of carrying several functions at once so that the user can access them open while wondering around the desktop. And all too fast! This is the biggest highlight of the N900, but it is not the only one. The iPhone is still multi-tasking means "bamboo" - it does not run an online radio right while performing other tasks. Nothing that some firmware updates, however, anyone can.


The big drawback is the weight of the N900, it really bothers you, as well as size. It could be smaller and still have so many sensational paraphernalia. The design is definitely not the bet of the N900 and the model is also available only in black.

Nokia N900
Nokia N900 has a resistive touchscreen, which may bother some users

At first glance, the resistive touchscreen bother - she's a bit "harder" than capacitive, used by the iPhone and other models available. The strangeness lasts a few hours, but now and pretty soon we got used to it.

Annoyance aside, the Maemo interface is crystal clear! Fast, efficient bud and blue, which sits atop the left side of the desktop, it's good sometimes to "Home". That is, you can play freely, alternating between functions, and there's no getting lost, just click on this button and start all over again: get "home."


The camera (5 megapixels) is an inexpensive - to play with all the stupid things that make no lack but we want: tags, setting white image exposure, resolution, sensitivity, ISO (100, 200 and 400 ), exposure, panoramic, resolution (medium, high, low). Also you can edit the photo right on the screen and make small cuts. When saving the image, you can select to send it to Facebook, Flickr or Ovi, Nokia's another bet. Also you can use geotagging - tag the photo with the location.


The device has any connectivity that may want to: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, full, Mail for Exchange, VoIP accounts and IM (Instant Messaging), TV output and accounts of posts and sharing images with Facebook, Ovi, Flickr or other networks, such as Tweego. It also has synchronization with PC via PC Suite software which is still much simpler than iTunes. Also has the FM transmitter, which was released in Brazil by the FCC and allows you to use empty tracks to listen to the songs of the device directly on the car radio, for example.

The media player (it works as a media gallery, something so confused because I tested the device used in Portugal Portuguese) is organizing videos, music, Internet radio, music mixing (a random). The device also offers a basic package Nokia - Nokia Maps, Ovi direct access to the community, and display functions and PDF package "Office" - in fact, a sham with Sheet to Go (spreadsheets), Slideshow to Go (Powerpoint) and Word to Go (Word).


For text input, you can use the physical keyboard, QWERTY, basicão; virtual; trigger the word completion feature, automatic capitalization and inserting spaces after the words. All for you to write faster. The conclusion is that all formats are comfortable keyboard. And who does not like any of this, the device brings the old marker pen stylus. Ah yes: the calendar view is delicious - for those who need it very much, the size of the screen helps a bit.


If we could use another word to describe the N900 as well as multi-tasking, we would use "customizable." The user can have the screen you want with the applications you want with the format, the screen saver you most desire. To add a widget, just click once on the desktop screen immediately pops up a nice offering abinha adding shortcuts / bookmarks / widgets / general options to change background / themes.


We miss accelerometer (sensor screen rotation). But we were happy to play to change the face of the desktop and access the Maemo browser, which is fantastic! Moreover, the device is fast, even the processor is a 600MHz ARM. That if we consider that there are devices out there with more than 1GHz processor!

3G version of Motorola Xoom 2 Media Edition arrives in Brazil Vivo

One of the most recent releases of the Brazilian tablets gets a second version on Monday (30). Motorola Mobility Brazil announced the launch of the 3G version of Motorola Xoom 2 Media Edition, which will be initially offered exclusively by the operator Vivo.

Versão 3G do Motorola Xoom 2 Media Edition chega ao Brasil (Foto: Reprodução)
3G version of Motorola Xoom 2 Media Edition arrives in Brazil
The model can be purchased in stores operator for R $ 1,199 (with the purchase of the plan Vivo Internet Brazil 2 GB). This value can be parceled up to 12 times - which, with the value of the plan will have a monthly cost of $ 210 or so.

The new version maintains the same hardware characteristics of the Wi-Fi model, with the obvious exception of 3G connectivity. Your operating system continues to be the Android 3.2 (Honeycomb), which manages a dual-core 1.2 GHz The tablet weighs only 366 grams, and has protective screen with Corning Gorilla Glass by 8.2 inches in size, resolution 1280 x 800 , resistant to water splashes, scratches, scrapes and sand. In addition, the tablet also has front and rear cameras of 1.3 megapixels and 5 megapixels, respectively, 1 GB of RAM, 32 GB of storage (expandable via micro SDHC card up to 32GB) and features such as accelerometer, gyroscope, electronic compass and barometer, and the main features of the previous model.

Motorola also highlights the use of the Xoom MotoCast 2 Media Edition 3G. The feature allows the user to access through the tablet of your personal files, including allowing the playback of photos, videos and music stored in the cloud. Because this is a tablet with mobile internet connectivity, Motorola believes that the bet is valid on this platform access, as well as offering greater convenience to the user, eliminating the need for sharing web sites to perform file uploads .

The focus of the launch of Motorola Xoom 2 Media Edition with 3G experience is to provide a more complete use of the tablet, expanding the possibilities of using the product for personal, professional, educational and corporate. "We are very excited about the new product, which was developed based on the success of the Motorola Xoom, and now offers a tablet experience much more powerful to the Brazilian market," says Edson Bortolli, director of Motorola Mobile Devices Mobility Brazil.

Samsung Galaxy Note: half tablet, half smartphone

Inaugurating a new segment in the global mobile industry, Samsung Note Galaxy hit the market with a degree hitherto unknown, "tabletphone." There were those who doubted the success of its 5.3-inch, but the South Korean manufacturer has proven that his bet was accurate: 1 million units sold before closing the year 2011.

Your advertising entices consumers. "Tablet or smartphone?" They ask. Created as a middle ground between the two, Samsung was able to offer a good smartphone and an ultra-portable tablet in a single electron. And the future promises more, since the Galaxy Note will receive the newest version of Android, also known as Ice Cream Sandwich.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Samsung galaxy Note

It is impossible not to start the review of the Galaxy for its main feature Note: Super AMOLED capacitive screen of 5.3 inch Gorilla Glass technology. Exaggerated to a smartphone, small for a tablet, but still comfortable to operate.

Thanks to this good resolution screen, 800 x 1280, viewing and navigation, as well as widgets, icons, menus and fonts, do not give the impression that they were stretched, as it seemed at the Galaxy Tab 7-inch (with larger screen and resolution of 600 x 1024). The density of the display is also the best that Samsung has released to date, with 285 pixels per inch - more than the Galaxy S II, 217 ppi, and all your tablets, with less than 200 ppi.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Samsung Galaxy Note

The experience of using this 5.3-inch screen is comfortable and enjoyable, whatever job you decide to play in the Note. While watching videos, playing games from Android Market or edit spreadsheets and documents, there is a good place to use your hands operating the system without making them cover the screen. There is no risk, for example, "type" something by accident to hold the phone near the ear.

The viewing and brightness are also very good, and the light sensor. See the items on the screen during a sunny day well not be a problem as well as use in darker environments. At this point, the screen is very well balanced and fulfills its function with praise.


The screen occupies the entire front surface of the Galaxy Note. There is also the Home button at the bottom, and the speaker for listening at the top, next to the logo of Samsung, the light sensor and camera for video calling 2 megapixel.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Samsung Galaxy Note

On the left side, there are volume buttons, while on the right side you just find the button to lock and unlock the screen. Upon the entry of the headset is discreet and is positioned slightly to the right, with reference to the center of the device. Below, centralized, the only proprietary connection port to load and other communications to share space with the phone, right, with the entry that hides the S-Pen, Stylus Note Galaxy.

The thickness of surprises with only 9.7 mm, and weight of 178 g makes comfortable use. A detail worth noting is that despite the greater weight of the Milestone (169 grams), the interface delivers greater forces as a whole, which brings a greater sense of lightness.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Samsung Galaxy Note

On a daily basis is hard to forget his presence. In the pocket, now and then the 'tabletphone' looked away, revealing the top. The volume done in the pants is not as appealing to an inattentive perspective, but makes clear the rectangular high. The best option is to load it into a jacket or in a bag.

Not the biggest hands Note the Galaxy can be fully embraced. If you have a normal body proportions or small, your fingers will just help to balance the unit as a whole. That does not stop to make a phone call, for example, keeping the shortcuts on the bottom dial to operate with just one hand. Browse, play, or check e-mails, however, require that you use the other hand, no doubt.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Samsung galaxy Note
Speaking of which, during the days of testing I noticed that although the menu and splash screen does not offer a navigation in landscape mode, this is the most comfortable way to use the Galaxy Note. Side (lying), you can accommodate both hands at the ends of the phone, which is a great option to surf the Internet and use social networking applications and e-mail. The main indication that this is the best position is the virtual keyboard: typing this is just perfect 5.3-inch screen with both hands.

On the other hand, if the Galaxy Note proves perfect for typing, it does not seem to have been made to speak - and now that he is really catches the attention of others. Because it is too large, the tabletphone feels the same look that you have to see a small child talking on the phone.

Even on this issue, we do not recommend that you opt for it if you frequently use public transport and / or attend local high traffic, as the streets of big cities. Note Galaxy, today seems to have been done only for the public that Palm used ten years ago.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Samsung Galaxy Note

The processor is almost the same as the Galaxy S II, winning only the frequency of operation: it is a Exynos dual-core 1.4 Ghz ARM Cortex-A9 (1.2 GHz in the S II). Theoretically, the difference seems little, but the comparative tests reveal an amazing performance.

In Quadrant, registered 3493 Note Galaxy. In Neocoris, the test chart for Qualcomm, he recorded the ability to run graphics to 52.3 FPS (4S iPhone and Galaxy S II can reach 60 FPS). Smartbench In 2012, he managed to record 3,149 points in Productivity (with Galaxy S II 2763, 2514 Motorola RAZR), and in 1411 Games (with S II 1722; RAZR to 2637).

In general, you will not have problems with the Galaxy Note. During testing, no application crashed due to lack of processing. Android runs on it light and smooth, and certainly until you find the system to light. Transitions are good, the answers are quite accurate, and you even notice any errors or delay in commands by touching the screen capacitive.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Samsung Galaxy Note

This small / big attraction of the Galaxy Note is a luxury, and on a few occasions you will choose to use it. Still, it will be a great ally - and before any play with the famous words of Steve Jobs during the presentation of its first iPhone, saying that God has given us five stylus, in reference to our fingers, no, this little pen Samsung is not there for nothing.

OS Memo, unique application of this device for notes with the pen, is a great tool for quick notes - even if your letter be a scrawl. In addition, operating the video editor, spreadsheets or documents with S Pen has its value there, and really brings more flexibility when you are handling files with large amounts of data.

Samsung Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Samsung galaxy Note
The mode of writing, an alternative to virtual QWERTY keyboard or Swype, recognizes cursive, and when he used to his methods really makes you think not to take more exercise books and notebooks to classrooms or meetings. The reason is simple: you can write, draw and color, and ultimately share the work by email, Facebook, Picasa, Google Docs, Twitter, Skype, etc..

His only problem is the result of detection for writing. The interface is accurate, and lack of practice writing in extremely solid surfaces (not as smooth as a sheet of paper), it is common that the result is a scribble - even if you write well. At this point, perhaps lacked a little broker chart, those common in vector applications, harmonizing the curves. But that's a fact merely aesthetic and perhaps even a lack of practice.


The camera produces excellent results with an 8 megapixel photos and HD movies. The performance is hardly top of the line as in a 4S iPhone or a Nokia N8, but the sensor is great and brings a few granules. The autofocus works very well, and can be adjusted with the touch screen. The flash also plays a role.

Foto tirada durante os testes com o Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Photo taken during the tests with the Galaxy Note
Foto tirada durante os testes com o Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Photo taken during the tests with the Galaxy Note
Foto tirada durante os testes com o Galaxy Note (Foto: Allan Melo/TechTudo)
Photo taken during the tests with the Galaxy Note

Playing music and sound effects are good, high frequencies without distortion or dissonant. However, the performance is just that. The intensity appears to be limited, geared more to the moderate use. Do not expect to have the best music player of the moment. At this point, the Galaxy Note only fulfills this task reasonably well.


With extensive use, the battery lasted Note Galaxy all day without complaining of lack of energy. In this aspect, really, this tabletphone deserves great attention. The question is obvious: with a much larger screen, it would be more than needed a better battery. The solution, however, was that Samsung has put a much better battery. The value "2500 mAh" expresses this autonomy (for comparative purposes, the Galaxy S II has 1650 mAh). Resulted in sheet: 13 ½ hours of talk time or 820 hours in stand-by (both 3G). In practice, it is good and you are just going to worry about it.

Smartphones from Samsung and Apple may be watertight in the future

A spokesman for HZO, waterproofing company for electronic devices, said during the 2012 CES technology fair which future models of smartphones may be water resistant. The HZO did not reveal the names of the manufacturers with whom you are negotiating, but said the technology presented to executives from Samsung and Apple, and "they were very excited."

A tecnologia HZO protege os aparelhos da água (Foto: Reprodução / Pocket-Lint)
HZO technology protects the devices from water

The HZO added that in the process of closing deals with a smartphone manufacturer and one of headsets soon. The solution would be very welcome, since the importance that the gadget comes having recently lost an electronic wet became a frequent problem.

The company's technology is based on protecting electronic parts of water at a molecular level. Unlike waterproofing techniques currently available in the U.S., HZO is applied during assembly of the apparatus, direct electronics. For the demonstration at CES, however, they had the technology in the normal way: by opening the electronic time and applying a layer of protection.

What changes in notebooks after the CES 2012?

CES 2012 brought much new technology. But one of the most interesting trends pointed out that the fair was the consolidation of a new format to the old notebook. The idea of ultrabooks, which Intel is the major sponsor and responsible, including financially, is here to stay and give new life to the portable PC market.

What is a ultrabook?

Ultrabook da Lenovo (Foto: Divulgação)
Lenovo Ultrabook

In summary, a notebook, but with three major differences compared to previous products in this niche: lightweight, wind and battery with more powerful hardware. Until then, consumers had two choices in terms of notebooks. The ultra-portable hardware gaunt, symbolized by netbooks, and those with much higher performance, but nothing portable and battery rarely survive two hours of use.

There is demand for ultrabooks?

It exists and that Intel identified by observing the growth of sales of Apple laptops. The line of MacBook Air even lighter, commitment to providing the best possible hardware, portability and good experience in terms of operating system. Ultrabook The idea is to position this new way of looking at mobile PCs as competitors of the MacBooks francs.

Then there's the market. To the point that Intel, which serves the MacBooks with its processors, creating a fund of $ 300 million to encourage the development of new models by the idea of manufacturing partners.

To what extent market ultrabooks will reset the PCs is something uncertain. But be assured that the conventional notebook, heavy, big and not as efficient so it is definitely close to being replaced by ultrabooks. What a great thing for the consumer.


Acer Aspire S5
Any consumer interested in purchasing a computer is always interested in acquiring the best system and the best hardware you can afford. And if the idea is that ultrabooks are so popular, a good start to ensure a good intake of the various models on the market is making sure that prices are competitive.

Intel's goal is to establish a ceiling of U.S. $ 1,000 dollars a unit. This value is more symbolic than anything. The idea is that the manufacturer can develop a good product in the range of $ 800. This has not been possible with the first generation of ultrabooks, but launches planned for 2012, Acer, Lenovo, HP and Dell will be close to this value. To do this, count on the help of Intel, which undertakes to subsidize up to $ 100 per unit.

Then think: you need a portable computer. You can buy a very cheap netbook, but limited capacity. You can buy a bigger and sturdy notebook, but you will not have the comfort to carry everywhere. You can also invest more money and bet on Apple products. Or less, you can bring everything you need in ultrabook.

Ultrabooks to keep an eye

Called Acer Aspire close attention to the S5, the world's thinnest. He is only 15 mm at the point where it is thicker. Other interesting models are the HP and Dell XPS 13 Spectre. All scheduled for release next month.

In addition to the S5, the Acer Timeline series prepares, with models that offer as the main highlight of battery life that can reach 8 hours. Other manufacturers like Samsung, Toshiba and LG showed their models.

Other directions of notebook market

Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga

The ultrabooks are the big trend, but manufacturers also showed other bets. Something common is the adoption of hybrid of a tablet computer, making use of multi-platform capabilities of Windows 8.

With the new interface Metro's operating system from Microsoft will be comfortable to type on a physical keyboard and interact with a touch screen. The idea is to offer the two experiments on a single laptop. A manufacturer that has been particularly comfortable with this concept was Lenovo, which introduced the IdeaPad Yoga with a mixture of ultrabook tablet.

Ultrabook is a term that describes a type of notebook, and netbook. But it is so strongly linked to Intel that its major competitor, AMD has created a different name for its ultra-portable notebook processors: the ultra-thin. It is estimated that over the second half of the AMD ultrathin emerge in the market betting on Fusion chips.

ARM may appear in cheaper products

Windows 8 will have versions for processors built into the design of ARM Holdings. There is much uncertainty about the performance of these processors in heavier applications and even the availability of compatible software on the platform.

This uncertainty tends to make ARM chips in laptops common input, ie, with lower price. ARM chips are notorious for low power consumption and versatility. There are two arguments that will certainly be used to accelerate sales of the devices that use ARM processors.